New Aberdeen FC Away Kit Unveiled

Last updated : 11 July 2012 By Stand Free Ed

0,,10284~11032921,00AFC had built up to the release date with images promising fans of a return to the black-and-gold colour scheme of the club's early years.

This led Dons fans to post suggestions on the Aberdeen Mad forum using their Photoshop skills and images from adidas' online catalogue.

However, many supporters have been left disappointed by both the design of the kit and the use of a colour that is closer to yellow than gold.

Plus, some Reds have been put off the new kit due to a series of mismatching colours, such as the white stars above the AFC badge sitting uncomfortably alongside the black adidas badge, and the white shirt stripes clashing with the yellow on the shorts.

On Aberdeen Mad's Facebook page, one fan said: "Miss matching crap. Badges, stripes. Nothing matches." Another added: "would b better if it was a proper gold colour, not yellow." And another said: "Quite disappointed. I always buy te black kits but wont be buying this one. Gads."

Some Twitter supporters were no more complimentary; one saying: "that is such a missed opportunity, 'black and gold' offer great options - what we've done with yellow is manky - poor show dons"; with another adding: "I hate it. It'll be the first one I've not bought since the Puma kits in the late 90s. On the plus side, it'll save me £45".

However, it's not all bad news. Other comments on Aberdeen Mad's social pages included: "I like it, it's different"; "I certainly don't hate it. It could be better, could be worse. But I'm still buying it and the home - more money for the club!"; "I like it, looks different. Wee touch of class"; and "Will look better in May with some silver lifted above it!!!"

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